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Why should we memorize scripture?

We live in a world that is constantly telling us who to be and how to improve ourselves. With constant advertising, social media, and even our own thoughts we are left with hearts open to temptation, minds that wander, and lack of communion with the God who made us. 


We are called to 'let the word of Christ dwell richly among us' (Colossians 3:16). Memorizing scripture helps us to be obedient to God's word and fight against the temptations of our current age. Renewing our minds on God's truth helps us to focus on what Christ says about our situations and circumstances rather than our experiences or others opinions. 


This means in order to counsel others well, fight against temptation, and keep our feet steady on the firm foundation of Christ we must renew our mind daily with Christ's Word. How can we start by renewing our mind? By memorizing scripture daily and storing up God's Word in our hearts. 

Suggested verse to start: 

"I have stored up your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Psalm 119:11

Ideas to get started:

Flash cards: Write out the verse on an index card and hang it around your house. Be intentional about reviewing this each day when you come across the card. 


First letter of every word: Write down the first letter of each verse on your hand, or an index card. Take this with you throughout the day and recite the verse in its entirety. Continue to review the verse with this method until you have memorized it. 


Bible Memory App: Redeem your phone time by using this app. It creates easy and fun ways to memorize the verses you choose!


Scripture Retention System: One of the hardest aspects about scripture memory involves keeping the verse in your longterm memory. While this system takes more "effort" on the front end to create and understand it will pay dividends in the future. Use the link below to print these sheets and place them in a mini binder. Each day you will go through and memorize the daily verses. Once you complete these for 6 weeks they will move on to the "once a week for 6 months" section. After a verse is reviewed once a week for 6 months it moves onto the once a month for 6 years section. This means once a week (depending on the day) you will go over your daily, weekly, and monthly verses. 

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